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እንደ አንድ ትልቅ ቤተሰብ፣ ማንነት ለወጣቶች በዘመናዊው ዓለም እንዲበለጽጉ የሚያስፈልጋቸውን ማህበራዊ-ስሜታዊ፣ አካዳሚያዊ፣ የስራ ሃይል እና የህይወት ክህሎቶችን ያስተምራል እና ሞዴሎችን ያስተምራል።

ፕሮግራሞች እና አገልግሎቶች በት/ቤት፣በማህበረሰብ እና በመጫወቻ ሜዳዎች ያለ ምንም ወጪ ይሰጣሉ እና በቤተሰብ ጉዳይ አስተዳደር፣በአእምሮ ጤና እና በአደንዛዥ እፅ አጠቃቀም ምክር፣ከክሊኒካዊ ያልሆነ ስሜታዊ ድጋፍ እና መዝናኛ ይሟላሉ። በጣም ውጤታማ ሲሆን ፕሮግራሞች እና አገልግሎቶች የሚቀርቡት በተጨባጭ ነው። የእኛ ስራ ዋና ነገር ወላጆች በልጆቻቸው ትምህርት እንዲሳተፉ እና ለስኬታቸው እና ለማህበረሰቡ ስኬት ሻምፒዮን እንዲሆኑ ማስቻል ነው። በመሆኑም ወጣቶቻችን እና ወላጆቻችን ፕሮግራሞቻችንን እና አገልግሎቶቻችንን እና የማህበረሰብ ተሳትፎ ጥረቶቻችንን በማቀድ እና በመተግበር ረገድ ሙሉ አጋሮች ናቸው።

እኛ ለረዳናቸው እያንዳንዱ ደንበኛ፣ ቤተሰብ እና ሰፈር ሁሉን አቀፍ አቀራረብን እናመጣለን። ፕሮግራሞቻችን እና አገልግሎቶቻችን በባህላዊ እና ቋንቋዊ ተገቢ እና በአሰቃቂ ሁኔታ መረጃ ላይ በተመሰረቱ በማስረጃ በተደገፉ ሞዴሎች ወጣቶች እና ቤተሰቦች በህይወት ዘመናቸው እንዲያብቡ የሚያግዙ ክህሎቶችን እና ችሎታዎችን ማዳበር እና ማጠናከር ይችላሉ።

የፕሮግራማችን የንድፈ ሃሳባዊ ማዕቀፍ አዎንታዊ የወጣቶች ልማት (PYD) ነው። ይህ ወጣቶችን ከችግሮች መስተካከል ይልቅ ለመመገብ እንደ ሀብት የሚመለከት በጥንካሬ ላይ የተመሰረተ ሞዴል ነው። ፕሮግራሞች የተነደፉት አደገኛ ባህሪን የሚቀንሱ ማህበራዊ-ስሜታዊ ብቃቶችን ለመገንባት ነው። ማንነት ትምህርትን ለማቋረጥ፣ ከትምህርት ቤት ጋር ደካማ ግንኙነት ለነበራቸው እና/ወይም ወደ ኋላ ለወደቁ ተማሪዎች አሳታፊ እና ከባህል ጋር አግባብ ያለው አካዴሚያዊ ድጋፍ ይሰጣል። ትምህርትን እና የት/ቤት ትስስርን ለማፋጠን ድጋፍ እና እንቅስቃሴዎችን እንሰጣለን ይህም ጥናቶች እንደሚያሳዩት የአካዳሚክ ስኬትን ያሻሽላል።

ጥብቅ ሂደት እና የውጤት ግምገማ የሁሉም የማንነት ፕሮግራሞች መለያ ምልክት ነው። የማህበራዊ-ስሜታዊ እና የባህሪ ደህንነት አጠቃላይ አመልካቾችን ጨምሮ ሰፋ ያለ መረጃ ይሰበሰባል፣ ይከታተላል እና በበርካታ የዳሰሳ ጥናቶች ይገመገማል፣ ይህም የደንበኛ ምርጫዎችን ለማስተናገድ በእንግሊዝኛ እና በስፓኒሽ ይገኛል።

 With this Campaign, which coincided with our 25th Anniversary year, we will be able to:

•    Scale up and sustain existing, effective programs to address growing community needs
•    Innovate and test new programs to respond to in-demand opportunities
•    Create a thriving community center that symbolizes and transforms the Latino community’s sense of belonging, wellbeing and opportunity and accommodates Identity’s recent and planned growth
•    Ensure capacity to respond to unforeseen events and needs

Campaign Committee
  • Shirley Brandman, Co-Chair

  • Gislene Tasayco, Co-Chair

  • Wanda Bautista

  • Bob Buchanan

  • Andy Burness

  • Stew Edelstein

  • Steve Hull

  • Diego Uriburu

  • Sarah Whitesell

  • Tal Widdes

  • Alejandro Yepes

  • Linda Youngentob

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  • Make a gift of securities
    Gifts of stocks make excellent charitable gifts. By donating stock, you avoid costly gains and significantly help Identity’s client community at the same time. We will be happy to assist you in transferring assets to complete your gift.
  • Special tax-free IRA gifts
    For those 70 1/2 or older, it is possible to make tax-favored charitable gifts from traditional and Roth IRA accounts. A total of up to $100,000 per year can be transferred directly from traditional or Roth IRAs to one or more qualified charities, such as Identity, free from federal income tax. Amounts given in this way count toward required IRA minimum withdrawal amounts for the year of the gift.  Check with your tax advisor for more information.
  • Make a planned gift
    For some donors, a planned gift – or other type of deferred giving arrangement – may better suit your financial and planning needs. These can be structured through a variety of vehicles, including a bequest in a will, a trust arrangement, and other income-producing vehicles such as life insurance and annuities. In considering a planned gift, it is best to consult your tax, legal, and financial advisor(s). We will be happy to work with you and your advisor(s) to structure a gift. If you have any questions or need help with your donation, please reach out to
  • Learn about The Lift Fund
    The Lift Fund provides short-term financial relief to Identity clients facing truly extraordinary crises or hardship. It was created in 2019 in honor of Identity Co-Founder Candace Kattar to ensure her legacy of never giving up on any young person in need.
  • Learn about our Annual Back-to-School Supply Drive
    Starting a new school year is difficult for students whose connection to school is insecure or fragile. This is especially true for those who are living in poverty and/or are new to our community and system of education. Help us fill their backpacks with the supplies they need to start on an equal footing. Each new backpack filled with age-appropriate supplies costs about $50. Learn more!
የሁለተኛ ደረጃ ትምህርት ቤት ደህንነት ማዕከላት

ማንነት በስድስት የሞንትጎመሪ ካውንቲ የህዝብ ሁለተኛ ደረጃ ትምህርት ቤቶች የዌልነስ ማዕከሎችን ያስተዳድራል፡- Gaithersburg፣ John F. Kennedy፣ Northwood፣ Seneca Valley፣ Watkins Mill እና Wheaton።

እነዚህ በካምፓስ ውስጥ ያሉ ማዕከላት ማህበራዊ-ስሜታዊ ክህሎት ግንባታ፣ የአካዳሚክ ድጋፍ፣ ክሊኒካዊ እና ክሊኒካዊ ያልሆነ የአእምሮ ጤና ድጋፍ፣ ቴራፒዩቲካል መዝናኛ፣ የሰው ሃይል ልማት እና የቤተሰብ ጉዳይ አስተዳደር ከህክምና አገልግሎት ተደራሽነት ጋር በማጣመር አካላዊ፣ ማህበራዊ፣ የተማሪዎች ስሜታዊ፣ እና አካዴሚያዊ ደህንነት በከፍተኛ ሁለተኛ ደረጃ ትምህርት ዘመናቸው።

በአሰቃቂ ሁኔታ የተረዱ፣ የባህል እና የቋንቋ ምላሽ ሰጪ ፕሮግራሞቻችን ወደ ተሻለ አካዳሚያዊ እና የህይወት ውጤቶች የሚመሩትን የት/ቤት ትስስር እና የመከላከያ ሁኔታዎችን ያጠናክራሉ።

የጤንነት ማእከላት የትምህርት ቤቱን ማህበረሰብ ሙሉ ስብጥር ያገለግላሉ እና ከMontgomery County Health and Human Services, 480 Club, Emerging Triumphantly, EveryMind and True Connection Counseling ጋር በመተባበር ይሰራሉ።

Anonymous Donors
The APA Fund
Linna Barnes and Chris Mixter
Wanda Bautista
Emily R. Beckman and Andrew J. Ewalt
Bender Foundation, Inc.
Yonis Benitez
Diane and Kevin Beverly
Fernanda Bianchi
Shirley Brandman and Howard M. Shapiro
Sharon and Bob Buchanan
Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation
Carolyn and Rudolfo Camacho
Sonia and Rick Chessen
A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation
Annice Cody and Peter Braverman
Amanda and Andrew Coelho
Catherine Crockett
Sumintra and Jeffrey Dillman
Nancy Ebb and Gary Ford
Stewart Edelstein
Claire Engers and David Silberman
Julie Farkas and Seth Goldman
Melanie Folstad and Rick McUmber
Sharon and Stephen Friedman
Hope Gleicher and Andrew Burness
Susan and Steve Hull
Jahanvi Desai Educational Foundation
Michael Jiménez and Karim Merchant
Nancy Kaplan
Samuel and Sylvia Kaplan Foundation
on behalf of Jill Chessen, Danny Cohen, Sonia and Rick Chessen
Sharon and Steve Kaufman
Susan and Peter Keisler
Cassie and Mike Knapp
Mimi and Michael Kress
Nancy Leopold and Jeff Wagner
Martin Lespada
Ivonne and Byron Lindley
Gail Maidenbaum and Phil Schreiber
Monica Marquina
The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation
The Richard E. and Nancy P. Marriott Foundation
Elisa Martin and Alejandro Yepes
Mead Family Foundation
Andra and Stephen Metz
Meyer Foundation
J. Henry Montes
Ana Morales
Nora Morales
Anna Parisi-Trone and Robert Trone
Marta B. and Manuel Perez
Vanessa Rodriguez
Sally Rudney and Scott Hoekman Family Fund
The Ruppert Family Foundation
Allison Russell and Tim Harwood
Kathleen Sanzo
Marla Schulman
Mark Schuman
Samuel and Zachary Shapiro
Sharing Montgomery Fund of the
Greater Washington Community Foundation
Steve Simon
Ilene Sparber
Gislene Tasayco and Juan Ducos
Amy Thrasher
Faith and Kevin Toruno
Allison and Bill Treanor
Diego Uriburu
Elizabeth Wheaton and William Arnold
Cliff and Deborah White Family Foundation
Sarah E. Whitesell and Wan J. Kim
Tal and Steve Widdes
Mary Lou Winkler and Gary Metz
Teresa R. Wright
Linda and Bob Youngentob

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