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One of Identity’s Own Highlighted in Women Who Inspire

9/3/21, 4:00 AM

We are so proud of Identity’s Finance Director, Tatiana Murillo, one of only eight women featured in Bethesda Magazine’s article on Women Who Inspire.

Tati inspires us every day with her passion for the young people and families we serve. She knows firsthand what they have been through – she’s lived it. Bethesda Magazine describes how her struggles led to a life of advocacy for education and human rights. She shares her story to give others an understanding of the struggles and injustices immigrant students face – and to give young people a belief that a better future is possible for them.

The article can be found in the digital version of Bethesda Magazine’s September/October Issue on page 152.

This kind of attention is not something Tati seeks (or enjoys) but is so well deserved.



Identity, Inc.
415 East Diamond Av. 
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