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WTOP story features Identity teens contributing to mural celebrating Glen Echo integration

5/24/21, 4:00 AM

WTOP story features Identity teens contributing to mural celebrating Glen Echo integration

A May 23 story from WTOP featured Identity teens:

There’s a new mural in Glen Echo Park in Montgomery County, Maryland that celebrates both the 100th anniversary of a famous carousel and a protest that led to the amusement park’s eventual integration.But the piece wasn’t painted by just anyone; it was painted by teenagers served by a Gaithersburg, Maryland nonprofit called Identity Inc. The project was born through a partnership with an Annapolis nonprofit that connects at-risk kids with artists who teach them how to make murals.Identity says its goal is to work to help in-school and out-of-school Latino teens in Montgomery County get access to resources that can help them succeed.

Read the full article.



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415 East Diamond Av. 
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