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Identity’s Youth Safety Ambassadors Dish Out Food & Information at Cider Mill

6/29/21, 4:00 AM

Identity’s Youth Safety Ambassadors Dish Out Food & Information at Cider Mill

The Cider Mill Tenant’s Association hosted a community picnic on June 26, and Identity’s Youth Safety Ambassadors pitched in to help distribute food and spread the word about the Latino Health Initiative’s Proyecto Bienestar (Our Health and Wellbeing).  The young people shared information about vaccines, rent assistance, food assistance and other supports available for families who are suffering the continuing effects of the pandemic.  Later they met Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich and Delegate Gabriel Acevero (39th District) who stopped by to meet with Cider Mill residents.

Identity’s Safety Ambassador program provides training, coaching and a paid work experience.  Youth work to engage and inform their community of health and safety net resources, such as those available during the pandemic, make referrals for safety net services, and help distribute food. These young people, ages 14-24, have emerged as a powerful natural resource with their unique ability to connect with families of their peers living in low-income, isolated pockets of Montgomery County.


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Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Telefone: 301-963-5900


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