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Identity’s Youth Safety Ambassadors Star in PSA Urging Teens to Get Vaccinated!

22/10/21, 04:00

Identity’s Youth Safety Ambassadors Star in PSA Urging Teens to Get Vaccinated!

The teens in this video are Identity Safety Ambassadors, helping Montgomery County’s Salud y Bienestar (Our Health and Wellbeing) project reach young Latinos by starring in this social-media PSA.

Identity’s youth Safety Ambassadors train and then fan out into the community to connect their peers and neighbors to COVID-19 information and testing, vaccine and safety-net resources such as emergency food. A combination of workforce training and crucial public health outreach, these teens and young adults have proven to be a natural resource during the pandemic. For instance, they have been taking the pulse of local teens on their attitudes toward the vaccine, surveying 1,300 young people, which helps our county improve its health information campaign.

Watch the PSA on Facebook.


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