I joined Identity’s Board of Directors because…

…I am passionate about Identity’s work supporting and empowering youth to build Montgomery County’s future!

Sarah Whitesell

….I want to help ensure members of our community have access to the resources they need that allow them to prosper, realize their dreams, and be successful in whatever they choose to do.

Michael A. Jiménez, Jr.

…I want to lend my service toward making Latino youth feel welcome and valued in our community.

Shirley Brandman

…I am so impressed with what Identity and its wonderful staff do for Latino youth in Montgomery County. 

Nancy Ebb
…Identity has a powerful impact on Latino youth and families in Montgomery County.
Stewart Edelstein

…I want to do my part to address the challenges that face some Latino youth and families and to help create opportunities for all to thrive.

Steve Hull

…Identity enables Latino youth and families to flourish, to achieve, and to contribute to making Montgomery County a great place to live.

Nancy Kaplan
…I believe Identity is among the nation’s most effective and compassionate groups for helping Latino youth and families realize their highest potential.
Mike Knapp

….I deeply believe in the work this organization does and the importance of positively impacting the life and trajectory of Latino youth and the Latino community at large.

Martin Lespada

…I want to give back, support and help create opportunities for the people of color that Identity serves.

Ivonne Lindley
…I strongly believe in Identity’s important mission and wish to help the organization achieve its goals.
Stephen Metz

… Identity works every day to build a better future for all, and especially those who would be overlooked without its help.

Christian Mixter

….I want to help further Identity’s mission of fostering inclusivity and empowering Latino and underserved youth to discover and realize their fullest potential.

Ana Morales

….as a Latina myself, I want to do my part in addressing and supporting the needs of Latino youth and their families so they can thrive and lead better lives.

Vanessa Rodriguez

…it serves as an exemplary model of what it looks like to do transformative work with community to build pathways to human dignity.

Gislene Tasayco

…of its profound and inspiring mission and its demonstrated effectiveness in empowering Montgomery County’s Latino youth and their families to reach their potential.

Tal Widdes

…I wanted to work with Identity to improve the education of Latino students and assist their families to support the education and careers of their children.

Teresa Wright

…of the fundamental urgent need to engage, develop and empower the future generations of leaders who will shape a more compassionate, inclusive and just society.

Alejandro Yepes
Photo of Sarah Whitesell, Board Member

Sarah Whitesell


Photo of Diego Uriburu, Ex Officio

Monica Marquina

Photo of Stewart Edelstein, PhD, Board Member

Michael A. Jiménez, Jr.

Steve Hull
Vice Chair

Photo of Shirley Brandman, Vice Chair

Shirley Brandman

Photo of Shirley Brandman, Vice Chair

Nancy Ebb

Photo of Stewart Edelstein, PhD, Board Member

Stewart Edelstein, PhD 

Nancy Kaplan

Michael Knapp

Martin Lespada

Ivonne Lindley

Photo of Stephen Metz, Board Member

Stephen Metz

Photo of Shirley Brandman, Vice Chair

Christian J. Mixter

Photo of Shirley Brandman, Vice Chair

Ana Morales

Photo of Vanessa Rodriguez, Board Member

Vanessa Rodriguez

Photo of Shirley Brandman, Vice Chair

Gislene Tasayco

Photo of Diego Uriburu, Ex Officio

Diego Uriburu
Ex Officio

Photo of Diego Uriburu, Ex Officio

Tal B. Widdes

Photo of Teresa Wright, Board Member

Teresa Wright
Board Member Emerita

Photo of Diego Uriburu, Ex Officio

Alejandro Yepes