identity-2015-2016-annual-report-coverWe are delighted to share our latest Annual Report with you. As we continuously evolve and look for better ways to make positive and lasting impact on Montgomery County youth, we invite you to get to know our stories, our services, and our outcomes for fiscal year 2016.

The report is a window into Identity’s 17th year serving Latino youth, their families, and others as we work to build on their natural strength and resilience and bring down barriers to help them reach their highest potential.

The title, “Putting Young People First,” is a philosophical hallmark of our services and the inspiration for our board and staff since Identity was first conceived by Candace Kattar and Diego Uriburu all those years ago.  Take a look and see what our youth have been able to accomplish in the last year.

If you are intrigued by an even deeper dive into our extensive program outputs and outcomes we are pleased to also share our 2015-2016 Evaluation Report.