Gaithersburg and Watkins Mill High Schools may have closed their buildings this spring, but the staff at their Identity-managed High School Wellness Centers worked hard to gather students virtually to keep up their spirits, their studies, their connection to school, and their connection to each other.

To honor their resilience during this challenging time of confinement, students received some end-of-year surprises.

The 480 Club, a Wellness Center partner, put together and delivered care packages containing games, treats, face masks with the students’ high school logo, hygiene items and gift cards. In addition, English for Speakers of Other Language (ESOL) students who kept up their attendance in online enrichment groups were surprised with gift cards at the end of the semester.

Participants say they really appreciated the gifts, and they especially appreciated seeing WC staffers when they delivered the care packages, saying it was a rare moment of normalcy this summer.

Wellness Center Students Received Care Packages