Identity’s Youth Opportunity Center clients are producing reusable cloth masks for residents of DC’s Brookland Manor, thanks to the connection and support of Neighbors Rising, a virtual community of local residents who work to support immigrant and low income neighbors in need of help and community embrace.

It all started when Neighbors Rising shared a call for hundreds of masks needed for children and adults living in the Northeast DC affordable housing community.  Meanwhile, our YOC youth are producing cloth masks as part of a workforce initiative for older youth who were laid off or lost paid internships during COVID19.

When they heard the call, over 20 neighbors donated to Identity for the sewing materials and stipends to create the masks, and on Wednesday, May 20th, we brought 225 masks to Brookland Manor Resident Association President Ms. Minnie Elliott, who will distribute them to her community.

Thank you Neighbors Rising, for creating the kind of community that empowers Identity families and Brookland Manor families to help each other.