
Bethesda Magazine Article “The Young Arrivals” Highlights Identity Youth

The Watkins Mill High School Wellness Center is the backdrop for a far-reaching Bethesda Magazine article, “The Young Arrivals”, about teen immigrants to Montgomery County, and their story is told in part through the eyes [...]

2023-02-12T22:50:49+00:00March 8th, 2022|Identity in the News|

A Big Week for Educational Equity and Community Voices

Last week marked two milestone events in our pursuit of educational equity and excellence for children of Black, Brown and low-income families. Taken together, there was energy, engagement, and a sense of shared purpose to [...]

2022-01-24T18:13:35+00:00January 24th, 2022|Advocacy, Black and Brown Coalition, Events|

Identity’s Diego Uriburu honored with Nix Award

On December 17, 2021, Diego received the Roscoe R. Nix Leadership Award, the County’s equivalent of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which honors individuals who over the course of their distinguished lives of community service [...]

2022-01-24T18:40:38+00:00December 19th, 2021|Awards and Honors, Identity in the News|

Newcomer Teens Celebrate Belonging at County Leadership Summit

Seventy newly arrived teens gathered at Montgomery College – Takoma Park Campus to talk with each other and trusted adults about their migration experiences and their dreams for a future in the United States. The [...]

2021-12-06T16:59:26+00:00December 6th, 2021|Program News|

Identity’s Youth Safety Ambassadors Star in PSA Urging Teens to Get Vaccinated!

The teens in this video are Identity Safety Ambassadors, helping Montgomery County’s Salud y Bienestar (Our Health and Wellbeing) project reach young Latinos by starring in this social-media PSA. Identity’s youth Safety Ambassadors train and [...]

2021-10-22T17:39:02+00:00October 22nd, 2021|Advocacy, COVID-19, Program News|

Diego in conversation with Rep. Raskin: Latino immigrants are assets to be nourished

US Representative Jamie Raskin (8th Congressional District) recognized Identity’s Executive Director Diego Uriburu as a Montgomery County Local Hero in the last week of Hispanic Heritage Month. Diego shared that the same potential he saw [...]

2021-10-12T16:17:19+00:00October 12th, 2021|Awards and Honors|

Pandemic Learning Gaps: Identity’s Nora Morales Interviewed for NBC4 & Telemundo

From NBC4 Washington: Report Finds Montgomery County Students Fell Behind After Year of Virtual Learning A new report shows many local students have fallen behind in school since the start of the pandemic. Montgomery County [...]

2021-09-29T15:11:26+00:00September 29th, 2021|COVID-19, Identity in the News|

Identity Recognized by The White House for Work Promoting COVID-19 Vaccinations

We are honored to share that Identity received a letter from The White House recognizing us for outstanding work enabling our community to get vaccinated and protected against COVID-19. President Biden writes, “Your efforts are [...]

2021-09-19T17:26:37+00:00September 19th, 2021|COVID-19, Program News|
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