Montgomery County SealThis week the County Executive, School Superintendent, members of the County Council, and Police Chief came out in support of the culturally diverse young people and their families in Montgomery County.

School Superintendent Jack Smith spoke to students in a video message on the morning of November 17th, reminding the community that MCPS will not tolerate hate-based speech or behaviors in the schools, at the same time cautioning students that protests during school hours would have consequences.

County Executive Isaiah Leggett told WTOP radio later that day, “I urge students to do whatever they want to do, in the spirit of peaceful protest and to minimize, as much as possible, actual time away from classrooms.”

County officials are organizing a peaceful rally in Silver Spring on Sunday November 20th called, “Stand Up for the Montgomery Way.”  The event is billed as a re-enforcement of  “the values of diversity, inclusion, and respect for all that have made Montgomery County special.”  On Tuesday, the members of the County Council passed a resolution reaffirming the county as a “citadel of justice” where all residents are treated with respect and dignity.

Police Chief Manger also spoke to the community in a video message about hate crimes, saying “Please know that your police department is doing everything in our power to keep every member of our community safe.”  As hate crimes have risen across the state in the last week, Chief Manger warns “Parents, teachers, students, police officers and our entire community reject these cowardly acts and say in one strong voice, hate is unacceptable, these acts are crimes against all of us and they will not be tolerated.”