
The Maryland Innovative Educational Partnerships (MIEP) Conference Conference, which is hosted by Montgomery College and Montgomery County Public Schools, is for secondary and post-secondary representatives, community and business leaders, and policymakers who are interested in innovative partnerships that build strong and effective academic bridges between high school and college, while enabling the development of an educated workforce in Maryland.

On Monday, November 2, Senior Program Director Candace Kattar and Middle School Program Manager Ana Dudamel held a session at 2015 MIEP conference, co-presenting with Amy Crowley, Associate Director of Academic Initiatives at Montgomery College. Their session, “Identity After-school Program,” provided an overview of the full-service model, effective practices, and Year One outcomes for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers after-school program at Neelsville and Montgomery Village Middle Schools. Identity and Montgomery College are partnering on these after-school programs to improve academic outcomes for Latino students.

For more about the MIEP Conference, click here.