1-identity-parent-session-12-6-16smMontgomery County School Superintendent Dr. Jack Smith met with 180 parents and their children at Neelsville Middle School on Tuesday evening, December 6th at an Identity-sponsored parent workshop.




Dr. Smith reassured the capacity crowd of parents from Neelsville, Montgomery Village and other middle and high schools, that no school official will track their child’s immigration status. “Every single child is welcome, needed, and wanted, said Dr. Smith, “Your children are safe and secure in our schools, nothing will happen to them and we will resist all efforts to change that.”

2-identity-parent-session-12-6-16-smEarlier in the evening, Council Member Craig Rice urged families to be engaged, not only in school but in the community, saying “Now is not the time to hide.  The time is to fight.  And I pledge to be alongside you to fight as well.” Rice was equally direct about the County’s policy to protect Latinos in the community, saying police and other county officials will not participate in deportation efforts.

Immigration Lawyer Anna Gallagher gave an overview of the latest immigration policies, and a look into possible future scenarios, stressing that individuals should obey all laws, stay away from “Notarios” and seek the advice of credentialed immigration lawyers.

4-identity-parent-session-12-6-16-smIdentity thanks School Superintendent Jack Smith, Councilmember Craig Rice, Neelsville Principal Vicky Lake-Parcan, Montgomery Village Principal Intern Michelle Fortune, and Immigration Lawyer Anna Gallagher for their efforts to reassure concerned community members.